Friday 24 May 2013


I recently read a book about childhood, more specifically about that time in ones life that teeters on the edge of innocence and cynical adulthood.  It's called Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neil and it was recommended by a friend of mine. (Thanks Carolyn!  Great book!)  I mention it here because it has me thinking about the magic of childhood.  For those of  you who have read the book, or will read it you may think I'm a little crazy that it has led me to think about the wonderful things of childhood because the book itself is rather dark and sad...but for that reason it demonstrated the beauty of innocence and how too often it is stolen much too soon.

When I sit back and watch my kids at play and participate in their games I witness genuine kindness and goodness.  I truly believe that children are innately good and see good around them.  It has not yet occurred to the them that people can be deliberately mean and ugly, and when they do experience this it shocks them to the point of tears.  How many parents out there have had their child run to them crying and proclaiming "Jimmy" was mean to them?  As adults when someone is less than kind we shrug it off, because unfortunately we've seen enough of it that it is no longer surprising...still hurtful, but not surprising.

I learn from kids all the time, and not just my own but other children in my life and children I meet in passing.  I know we can't hold on to the naivety and innocence of childhood forever but I will do my best not to steal it from my kids or let others still it from them.  So play on kids!

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