Wednesday 17 April 2013

Moisturizer Stress

There are many things I would like to tell my teenage, pre-mom self, such as; "Don't stress too much about your high school boyfriend-it's not going to last and that's a good thing." or "Enjoy size 6, your pain-free back, and ability to laugh really hard or sneeze without peeing just a little."  It may seem a little trivial but I would also talk to my teenage self about beauty products, specifically skin care.  Never did I imagine I would be so consumed over which skin products to use.

As I get older my skin loses some of its natural ability to hydrate itself.  I can see the physical changes in my skin and I want to help it through this crisis but I don't know where to begin!  I am not generally a big product person.  I have very little make-up, one tube of moisturizer, and something to put in my hair.  It's no wonder I am lost in the skin care aisle.  Here is my dilemma:  I am torn between my desire to preserve whatever natural resources the skin on my face has but I don't want to be suckered into over-priced products preying on my need to keep my skin looking fresh.  The truth is I don't mind getting older and I accept that my physical body will go through changes, but do I let myself shrivel up in the fight to damn-the-cosmetic man?

As my current moisturizer comes close to an end I find myself once again standing in my local drugstore staring blankly at the enormous wall of skin care products.  I pick one up, read the label and promptly put it down.  Not because I don't like what I just read but because I don't know what I just read.  It's humourous that I thought reading the ingredients was going to answer my questions.  I have no idea what I am looking for after all.  And another thing about this wall - it has this ability to make me feel bad about myself.  I came looking to hydrate my skin, but as I browse I notice products for faint wrinkles, sun damage, red spots...well, I have those things too!  I didn't realize they were a big problem until I saw countless products available to treat them! 

Needless to say I did not buy a moisturizer that day.  I will have to go back, and this time I will walk in confidently with a single problem to fix - my skin is dry.  I will choose a moderately priced moisturizer to help me with this problem and leave with a sense of relief and optimism. Optimistic that I will love this new product and rid myself of the stress caused by trying to research skin care...until my skin changes again as it  inevitably will.


  1. I can so relate to this post! I've been looking at skin creams myself for the past 6 months. I was in the same mad circle, reading the labels then putting it back. I'd even go so far as putting it in my cart, only to return it back to the shelf. I mentioned this to Jenn, she took matters into her own hands! she marched me over to the skin cream section. Handed my oil of olay regenerist cream. She tried to get me to buy the anniversary kit that came with eye serum and facial toner, that's where I drew the line. I can only handle one thing at a time! she sighed and stated okay, we'll work you up to eye cream.
    I have to say I'm liking the cream :) I've been using it for the past two weeks, my skin looks much better! Hopefully this helps and doesn't cause you more confusion :)

  2. Thanks Lisa...advice is welcome. That particular product has been in my hand more than once! I will keep you posted!
