Thursday, 21 March 2013

Not-a-mom Moment

Most of my days are consumed by child related activities. Everything from making lunches, changing diapers, driving to swim lessons....the list really does go on and on. I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to have children so this is not a rant, nor is it a complaint, simply a statement of facts. Because my days are filled with mommy things I like to sneak in time everyday that is just for me. I call them my "not-mommy" moments. Yesterday my moment came quite late when everyone was in bed, but I managed to get in before the day was over. It's not often I get the TV to myself. I'm not a huge TV watcher so this is fine with me, but I must admit every now and then I appreciate the freedom to watch whatever I want. Last night I sat on the couch with a cozy blanket, a glass of wine in my hand and watched some mindless TV. I can barely remember what I watched but it kept me interested for an entire hour. I did not have to get up off the couch once, answer anyone's questions or negotiate the channel. I realize I am not writing mind-blowing, insightful stuff here, but I truly believe it's the small details in one's life that count in the end. I can't make it to the spa everyday so I take my mini "not-mommy" moments and enjoy them.


  1. I adore my "non Mommy moments". Love your blog already Tasha! It kills me when some moms make parenthood out to be this all consuming thing...that you dont also exist as a person outside of Mommyhood. I LOVE my children but Im a person too...not just a mama!

    1. You are so much more than just a mama Soucy!

  2. Well said, non Mommy moments are what keep me sane:) I think that's the reason I love hot yoga so much! 60-75 minutes of wonderful silence, while I stretch and strengthen my body and mind. I sound like a total Yogi!:D
    Looking forward to your next blog entry!

    1. Absolutely Lisa, I love yoga too! You are braver than me to do hot yoga though. I'm too much the sweaty monster!
